
Film G.Arroyo


I just can’t figure out Impossible Project Film. I can’t figure out the exposure. I can’t figure out how to get things in focus. I just can’t figure this film out. I’ve tried both the monochrome and the color packs. Once this pack is done I think I will sell my SX-70 and not purchase another pack. Too bad Fuji FP-100c has been discontinued.

[bctt tweet=”Once this pack is done I think I will sell my SX-70 and not purchase another pack. Too bad Fuji FP-100c has been discontinued.” username=”gdotarroyo”] read more

Film G.Arroyo

Still Love Polaroids

I still love Polaroids. There is something about the camera, the instant nature of the photos and having an immediate physical photo to share. There is nothing like it.

Below is my brand new (at least to me) SX-70 which is unique because the camera is an SLR with manual focus. I also have some Impossible Project Film to try it out. The camera was picked up recently at an estate sale in Crystal Lake, Illinois.