Simply Learn

Digital Events G.Arroyo Video

How to edit with the free Nik Collection starting in Lightroom

The video above will share how I edit with the free Nik Collection plugins starting in Lightroom. Now that the Nik collection is free, I wanted to share how to actually access it inside of Lightroom CC. It is a bit different than how you would use a preset, but more like how to edit in Photoshop CC from Lightroom.

[bctt tweet=”How to edit w/ the free Nik Collection plugins starting in Lightroom. ” username=”gdotarroyo”]

Would you like to learn more about Lightroom? I have a fun Lightroom workshop scheduled regularly. There are also lots of Lightroom blog posts if you explore my site. read more

Digital Video

Rejoice Lightroom’s import has returned.

If you have updated your Lightroom CC to the latest version you will notice another big change. Yes the people have spoken and Lightroom has returned to the import dialog from a couple of versions ago. Here is the post where I show how much it changed a few months back. Good, bad or indifferent the video below shows you what the import dialog looks like again as I import a photo.

Here is the photo that was imported above after it was developed. Shot on a Sony A7 with Nikkor 50mm f1.4 manual focus lens. read more

Digital Events

Lightroom 5 Information Overlay

During my last Simply Learn | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom workshop I was asked how I was showing the information overlay in Lightroom. This allows me to quickly see the pixel dimensions, file name and taken on date. It can also show iso and aperture settings as well. I couldn’t remember exactly where the option to turn the overlay was, but I took a note and promised to share it when I got home. Here is the short video that show just how quickly and easily it is to turn this option on in Lightroom. read more

Digital Events G.Arroyo

Do you edit?

Do you? I do.
If you don’t edit, or really culling, your photos you are really wasting a lot of time. Time I can spend taking more photos.

What do I mean wasting time? Every time I have a photoshoot, I import my photos to Lightroom. The very next thing I do is start editing down my selections. Lightroom makes it extremely easy to pick and reject photos and then select the keepers.

This process has saved me more time then just about any other. I can easily go from a large batch of photos down to the very best. This lets me focus on and spend my time fine tuning only a smaller number of photos. read more

Digital Events Film G.Arroyo


Ask yourself, what is the difference between a famous photographer and an unknown one?

15 years ago did you know who Vivan Maier was? Why had you never heard of this now famous photographer?

It is all about marketing. The difference between a famous photographer and an unknown one is not about the quality of their art (not always) but about the people who get to see their work. Yes the dirty word in the art world, marketing. But in order to share your work, and have people know your passion you will need to market. Don’t be afraid to market your work. Professional, or hobbyist you need to market what you love in order to share your passion. read more

Events Film G.Arroyo

2 Things

Rolleiflex Automat Vivian Maier Style Photofraph 1
Self portrait with my Rolleiflex Automat.

I am very inspired, the next month is going a very exciting for me especially concerning film photography. Two big things are happening.

The first one is this Friday the 4th. I am heading to see the documentary “Finding Vivian Maier”. It opens in the Chicago area on this day and I’m taking a fellow Maier fan, my 8 year old daughter. I have been patiently waiting for this to come out for a few years. If (and I don’t know why you wouldn’t) follow me on Facebook you know how much I am a fan of Ms. Maier. read more

Events Film G.Arroyo



The word creativity means a lot of things. I like to think that being creative means more than just a wonderful image. I feel that part of my creative process involves coming up with solutions to problems. The above image is an example of this. I am part of a community on Google Plus called the B&W Project. Each month we are provided a theme and need to shoot a photo for that theme. For the month of March the theme is Minimalist. I developed a concept, and to add to the complexity I have decided to shoot all theme photos on film. As I laid out the shot I had to overcome some logistical problems. Light, background, not having a tripod to fit my pre-1950 Rolleiflex and more. I even had to be creative in order to capture the behind the scenes photos with my cell phone. read more

Digital Events Film G.Arroyo


I am grateful for each and every time I get to teach. If that is a workshop, presentation or individual training, each and every time I find my passion for photography grows. I enjoy the interaction between people in attendance and myself. I enjoy that I get to learn from attendees just as they are able to learn from me. I enjoy the fact that my art and photography as a improves every time I teach.

I am excited to share that this year I am going to have even more opportunities to share my passion for photography. I have partnered with Nancy Merkling to be part of her Simply Learn workshop team. And will be teaching at the beautiful Starline Gallery and Studios in Harvard, IL. read more