
Digital Film

Custom Presets

Have you wanted to look behind the scenes of my photos?

Wondered how I edit my photos so quickly? Spend almost no time on social media yet regularly publish.

For the first time, I am offering my custom presets for you to purchase.

Yes, you read that right. If you like my photos, you can easily make your photos look the same. It is just like adding a filter. Only custom.

Go download a preset and add it to Lightroom today.

Want to learn more? Book me for a one-on-one session.

Digital UAV Video

Why I have not been posting much.

I know I have gone off schedule.

I have not been posting weekly updates to my blog, not sharing with my readers.

I could make up some excuse, I could say I went on vacation, or even make up some other reason.

I have been sharing on my 2 different Instagram accounts.

I have been working on my video production. Editing a lot of video and working on a project. Here is a sneak peak. Make sure you keep an eye on my YouTube channel and subscribe so you gt early notice when I upload something read more

Digital Events G.Arroyo

Big Boy Camera


Sometimes you need to have you camera look more “Professional”.

My photography friends and I know that a Sony A7 has a full frame sensor. [bctt tweet=”Ultimately it is photographer, not the camera, that makes a professional.” username=”gdotarroyo”]

There are those times, those times when it just helps perception for your camera to look bigger. I have one of those days coming up, my camera has to look like a Big Boy Camera.

I rented a Sony 70-200mm f4 lens, and threw my extended grip on the little A7, now it looks bigger. Not bad for a compact mirrorless camera which usually has a 50mm f1.4 manual focus lens on it. read more

Digital G.Arroyo


I know, I know, I always tell students to shoot in a raw file format. I explain the benefits of having more information in the file, more latitude in post processing and so on, but the JPEG files that come straight out of a Fuji X camera are just beautiful. I love how the monochrome + yellow filter file looks. This photo was taken with a Fuji X-E1 at 6400 iso, the lens was a Minolta 50mm f1.7 manual focus lens at f1.7. I brought it straight over to my iPad and applied a small vignette using Lightroom Mobile. Thanks to Fuji for making your JPEG files so awesome. read more

Digital Film G.Arroyo

Some Essentials

Take a look at a couple of the essentials for my photography workflow.

Apple Macbook Pro 13″
Rolleiflex Automat Medium Format Camera.

When I shoot medium format film, I keep a hybrid workflow. Thngs stay analog up still the negative is developed. From there, I scan the negatives in and use lightroom and my Canon 9500 Mark II printer to print the photos.

Feet in both worlds digital and analog.

Digital G.Arroyo

Vacation Photos via GoPro

This week I returned from a little vacation with the family in Orlando. Before the trip I decided to do something I never thought would happen. I took only my GoPro on the trip. It was great relief to only carry the ultra small GoPro, a spare cards and a few extra batteries.

If I was visiting a place I hadn’t been before I doubt I would have only taken just the GoPro, but after viewing the photos, that is actually a possibility. All photos were edited via Lightroom.

Below are a few other photos from the trip. You can check out more by following me on Instagram. read more

Digital G.Arroyo

One Camera, One Lens: New Orleans

I just got back from a wonderful trip to the city of New Orleans. I usually want to be prepared for any photography. Typically taking my camera and a selection of lens. (See the post “What I Travel With“) This trip I decided to do things a little different:

One Camera - Sony A7
One Lens - Minolta 50mm F1.7

One City - New Orleans

While I didn’t got to explore a lot of the area, I did get around a little, here are some photos from the area. You can see more and also purchase select photos on Fine Art America. read more