
Film G.Arroyo

Developing a roll and my view on a Mamiya RB67

I developed a roll I shot with a Mamiya RB67. Here is my take:

Wow what a camera, okay that is what I would usually say, but my Hasselblad has me tainted. I enjoyed shooting the Mamiya RB67. It was just what I figured. I was originally looking to purchase one. I’m glad I didn’t but I’m just spoiled. The RB is just seems like a camera that is better suited to be in the studio and not out and around. The lens is a little slow. It is big and heavy. Loading films is cumbersome. It is overly complex and just seems like any wrong move would break a part. I’m glad to be giving it back, and will continue to be happy with my ‘Blad. Here a few photos from the roll. read more

Film G.Arroyo

Film Cameras for Sale

I’m selling off a few of my film cameras.

There will probably be upward of 20 cameras listed, 35mm, Medium Format and Polaroid.

Check out my Ebay store for more info:

I plan to add new cameras as I can. I have used a lot of these cameras, and while they are not perfect, they would be great to run some film through.

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