medium format

Events Film

I missed shooting…

A few weeks back I went to the first ever Harvard Balloon Fest. It was tough getting up early in the morning, getting my feet soaked and did I mention getting up early. I can easily say I am not a morning person. I was also the only person on the field who didn’t have a digital camera. I dared to take my untested Hasselblad 500 and 80mm f2.8 lens. I’m glad I did.

[bctt tweet=”I missed shooting… medium format film!” username=”gdotarroyo”] read more

Film G.Arroyo

My new film cameras

Over this summer I have picked up a couple of film cameras. Not my day to day cameras, but some very usable film cameras.

One is a medium format camera. A Hasselblad 500. I had the electronic version the 500El, but always wanted the fully manual version. I now have an awesome 500c that I got from KEH.

I also purchased a 80mm f2.8 lens to complete my kit. Now I have a metering prism finder, two backs, 150mm and 80mm lenses. Very pleased with my ‘Blad setup.

The other camera is a Canon F1. This is another camera that has been on my list of must haves for a while. I own the other A-body Canon, but a nice F1 has always eluded me. I was lucky enough to get one last week. I don’t shoot much 35mm any longer but it will make a great camera for my daughters. read more

Film G.Arroyo

Why I Still Love Film

Why I still Love Film

Slowing down, composing the photo, not knowing 100% that everything is how you pictured it, developing, drying, scanning, and finally seeing the photo. All are part of the reason I love film, especially medium format film. This photo was taken on my first roll of film from the Hasselblad 500EL with a Zeiss 150mm F4 lens that I have shared previously. Then scanned in on an Epson 550V scanner.

I am loving this “new” camera. I still love film!

Film G.Arroyo

Happy Surprises

One of the great things about film, sometimes there is a happy surprise. While I was grabbing some film to test out the Hasselblad I found roll that had yet be developed. I had labeled it as “Kiev 88 Fixed Back”. I decided to develop and scan it in. While there were other photos that I have shared on Instagram I wanted to share this particular photo on my blog. It is what I would call a “Happy Surprise”.

This photo has a lot of blemishes and problems, but I still like it. I like the light leaks, the fact that it wasn’t totally flat when scanned, and I like the burned edges. Unlike digital I just don’t know what I have until it is developed. Now that the Kiev is gone I even like that camera. read more

Film G.Arroyo

Short List Getting Shorter

I have a really short list of film cameras that I must have. It is sort of a camera bucket list. These cameras will stay in my collection never to be sold. There are other cameras, see my Pinterest board of cool vintage cameras, but I have only 3 that are on the short list. Two are medium format, one 35mm. These are cameras that I have always wanted, but now that film cameras have come down in price, I can justify buying.

One is a Rolleiflex TLR, which I have had for over a year now.


The next is a Leica M bodied rangefinder. read more

Film G.Arroyo

Passing down the knowledge

One of the great joys in my life is teaching. I love being able to share my passion and my knowledge. Being able to share those with my daughter is even better. I have been sharing my passion for film with my oldest daughter for a while now. It is part of her journey towards becoming a better photographer. She built her own camera, owns a couple of film cameras, knows how to use a light meter, and knows her exposure triangle. Now she can add developing her own black and white film to her list of skills. She was able to develop a roll of medium format and scan it in with a little guidance from her father. read more

Digital Film G.Arroyo

What I Travel With

What do I travel with? Or in reality what do I need versus what I want.? Before any trip this is always the question. I think I have my travel kit nailed down. This changes here and there. I may include different lenses, but most the items show remain the same. Below I am going to list what I take with me.

Pictured from left to right and top to bottom.

Film Shield Bag - protects undeveloped film from x-ray scans
[easyazon_link asin=”B0044EH2VI” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Think Tank ~ Urban Disguise 40 Shoulder Bag[/easyazon_link] - You gotta carry all this in something, I almost always use the backpack straps.
Rolleiflex Automat - Medium format film camera, also works as a backup for my digital.
[easyazon_link asin=”B00FPKDRVY” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Fuji X-E1[/easyazon_link]- Main camera body used
Minolta 5omm f1.7 lens - attached to the body with a simple adaptor
[easyazon_link asin=”B00CBPIRSY” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Peak Design Camera Wrist Strap[/easyazon_link] - have the quick connectors on both cameras and can switch between quickly
Minolta 135mm f2.8 lens
Fuji body cap - used when I cleaning a lens
[easyazon_link asin=”B00GRACUXM” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Apple iPad Mini[/easyazon_link] - entertainment, mobile photo sharing, social media and email access
Mini tripod with holder for my cell phone
[easyazon_link asin=”B007G5NNOW” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Lens Cleaning Pen[/easyazon_link]
Pen with iPad stylus tip
Spare SD cards
Spare charged battery
Lens filters
Dust Blower
120 Film - 2 rolls of ASA 400 one ASA 100
[easyazon_link asin=”B00BZFXXRG” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Sensu Stylus Brush[/easyazon_link] - lets me be creative on the iPad when I’m not shooting read more

Digital Film G.Arroyo

Cheating on film

Besides the look of film, I also like how a classic camera feels. Not a lot of plastic, manual controls and things just fall in place. Well as of the past few months I feel like I am cheating on my film cameras. I become obsessed with my little Fuji X-E1. It has become my go to camera, the one I pick up and take with me everywhere. It has a metal case top and bottom. I have adapted vintage lenses to it. I shoot it entirely manually, focus, aperture, iso, shutter speed.

The jpeg photos that come out of this camera are awesome and Fuji has done a great job of simulating their film emulsions. I can plug it into my iPad and upload photos on the fly. I really do not have many complaints with it. Maybe I could use a better viewfinder, but for my first mirrorless camera it has blown me away. read more

Events Film G.Arroyo

2 Things

Rolleiflex Automat Vivian Maier Style Photofraph 1
Self portrait with my Rolleiflex Automat.

I am very inspired, the next month is going a very exciting for me especially concerning film photography. Two big things are happening.

The first one is this Friday the 4th. I am heading to see the documentary “Finding Vivian Maier”. It opens in the Chicago area on this day and I’m taking a fellow Maier fan, my 8 year old daughter. I have been patiently waiting for this to come out for a few years. If (and I don’t know why you wouldn’t) follow me on Facebook you know how much I am a fan of Ms. Maier. read more