Learn Lightroom

Digital Film

Custom Presets

Have you wanted to look behind the scenes of my photos?

Wondered how I edit my photos so quickly? Spend almost no time on social media yet regularly publish.

For the first time, I am offering my custom presets for you to purchase.

Yes, you read that right. If you like my photos, you can easily make your photos look the same. It is just like adding a filter. Only custom.

Go download a preset and add it to Lightroom today.

Want to learn more? Book me for a one-on-one session.


Tutorial Adding a Watermark or Copyright in Lightroom Mobile on iOS

Tutorial Adding a Watermark or Copyright in Lightroom Mobile on iOS

I know, it has been a while. I wanted to share this short tutorial on adding a copyright to the photos you may share using Lightroom Mobile.

As you may know, I love my iPad and Lightroom Mobile. It allows me to be active on social media and add images shot with my mobile devices, GoPro or mirrorless cameras easily.

Well, some of you may have wanted to add a copyright to those images. If you do, then this is the tutorial for you. It is very easy once you know how. At only 1:06 minutes long including the intro and outro this may be may shortest tutorial ever. read more


Going in a new direction

I’ve decided that my blog will be heading in a new direction

I’m going to focus my future blog posts on tutorials and particularly Lightroom.

I originally started my blog to help out my writing skills. I have tried to focus on sharing some of my thought processes were for capturing photos. I have found that as the years have passed I am actually doing more video tutorials.

The video tutorials are also getting more attention on Youtube, driving more traffic to my website. From today on I am planning to share video tutorials.

I will do my best to address questions and requests. read more

Combining Lightroom Catalogs Tutorial
Digital Events G.Arroyo

Combining Lightroom Catalogs Tutorial

Below you will find a short video tutorial for combining Adobe Photoshop Lightroom catalogs.

As many of you know, during my Lightroom workshops, I suggest starting a new catalog each calendar year. Well this year I am going to be trying something different. I am not going to be creating a new catalog. Instead I am going to try working from a master catalog. I will be continuing my organization structure from there on. During class I plan on sharing my new workflow. I am constantly learning, adjusting and changing how I work in Lightroom. Hopefully I can make Lightroom easier for you. read more

Digital Video

Rejoice Lightroom’s import has returned.

If you have updated your Lightroom CC to the latest version you will notice another big change. Yes the people have spoken and Lightroom has returned to the import dialog from a couple of versions ago. Here is the post where I show how much it changed a few months back. Good, bad or indifferent the video below shows you what the import dialog looks like again as I import a photo.

Here is the photo that was imported above after it was developed. Shot on a Sony A7 with Nikkor 50mm f1.4 manual focus lens. read more

Digital Events

Lightroom 5 Information Overlay

During my last Simply Learn | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom workshop I was asked how I was showing the information overlay in Lightroom. This allows me to quickly see the pixel dimensions, file name and taken on date. It can also show iso and aperture settings as well. I couldn’t remember exactly where the option to turn the overlay was, but I took a note and promised to share it when I got home. Here is the short video that show just how quickly and easily it is to turn this option on in Lightroom. read more

Digital Events G.Arroyo

Do you edit?

Do you? I do.
If you don’t edit, or really culling, your photos you are really wasting a lot of time. Time I can spend taking more photos.

What do I mean wasting time? Every time I have a photoshoot, I import my photos to Lightroom. The very next thing I do is start editing down my selections. Lightroom makes it extremely easy to pick and reject photos and then select the keepers.

This process has saved me more time then just about any other. I can easily go from a large batch of photos down to the very best. This lets me focus on and spend my time fine tuning only a smaller number of photos. read more

Digital Events Film G.Arroyo

2015 What’s to come…

Happy new year!

I’m excited to see what 2015 is going to bring. I am starting off this year with out my trusty Canon DSLR. No autofocus lenses and my favorite instant pack film has been discontinued. On the plus side I captured this photo of one of my favorite subjects, I’m teaching more workshops, I’ve acquired a large format printer and I’m also considering redoing my website. I raise my glass to you and can’t wait to start the year.

To what will come…

P.S. I’m teaching Simply Learn | Adobe Photoshop Lightroom on the 10th. Register here. read more

Digital G.Arroyo

Lightroom Presets - My take

One big advantage Lightroom has over other photo editing software are the presets. The availability and ease of use is unmatched even by Lightroom’s big brother Photoshop. Below is my take on using Lightroom presets.

The Good
Presets make fast work of editing many photos quickly. If you have a large batch of photos and want to apply the same edits to them you can easy do so with presets. If you are familiar with the import process you can even apply presets to photos as you add them to your collections. read more