

Tutorial Adding a Watermark or Copyright in Lightroom Mobile on iOS

Tutorial Adding a Watermark or Copyright in Lightroom Mobile on iOS

I know, it has been a while. I wanted to share this short tutorial on adding a copyright to the photos you may share using Lightroom Mobile.

As you may know, I love my iPad and Lightroom Mobile. It allows me to be active on social media and add images shot with my mobile devices, GoPro or mirrorless cameras easily.

Well, some of you may have wanted to add a copyright to those images. If you do, then this is the tutorial for you. It is very easy once you know how. At only 1:06 minutes long including the intro and outro this may be may shortest tutorial ever. read more

Digital Events Film G.Arroyo Video

McHenry County Photographers Landscape Photo Contest

A few days ago I ended a small contest. The rules were simple, submit your best color landscape photo from the past year. The contest was open to those who joined our new group of McHery County Photographers on Facebook. Well as it turns out I couldn’t pick a winner. All of the photos that were submitted were stellar. I had a hard time just choosing one. Maybe if they were black and white it might have made things easier for me, but alas it wasn’t. So I decided to let fate choose. I entered the names in a raffle and randomly drew a winner. read more

Digital G.Arroyo Video

Prisma App Something New and Cool on the iPAD

Below is a short video about the Prisma app which is something new and cool I’m trying on the iPad.

This is just a quick walk thru. I hope you like how easy it is to add artistic effects to your photos.

[bctt tweet=”Video of Prisma app on my favorite device, the iPad. https://youtu.be/RTmlrmNL9yA #Prisma” username=”gdotarroyo”]

Tag me @ Giovanni_Arroyo_Photography on instagram if you give this app a try.

Digital G.Arroyo


I know, I know, I always tell students to shoot in a raw file format. I explain the benefits of having more information in the file, more latitude in post processing and so on, but the JPEG files that come straight out of a Fuji X camera are just beautiful. I love how the monochrome + yellow filter file looks. This photo was taken with a Fuji X-E1 at 6400 iso, the lens was a Minolta 50mm f1.7 manual focus lens at f1.7. I brought it straight over to my iPad and applied a small vignette using Lightroom Mobile. Thanks to Fuji for making your JPEG files so awesome. read more

Digital G.Arroyo

Lightroom Mobile Quick Edit Video

Quick Video showing how I can edit a photo or a few in Lightroom Mobile using my iPad. This saves me from having to always be in front of the computer and I can easily pick this option up when I am away from my laptop. Lightroom mobile is free for Adobe Creative Cloud members and syncs up what I have done with my main Lightroom catalog. So cool!

Don’t miss my Adobe Lightroom workshops!

Digital Film G.Arroyo

What I Travel With

What do I travel with? Or in reality what do I need versus what I want.? Before any trip this is always the question. I think I have my travel kit nailed down. This changes here and there. I may include different lenses, but most the items show remain the same. Below I am going to list what I take with me.

Pictured from left to right and top to bottom.

Film Shield Bag - protects undeveloped film from x-ray scans
[easyazon_link asin=”B0044EH2VI” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Think Tank ~ Urban Disguise 40 Shoulder Bag[/easyazon_link] - You gotta carry all this in something, I almost always use the backpack straps.
Rolleiflex Automat - Medium format film camera, also works as a backup for my digital.
[easyazon_link asin=”B00FPKDRVY” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Fuji X-E1[/easyazon_link]- Main camera body used
Minolta 5omm f1.7 lens - attached to the body with a simple adaptor
[easyazon_link asin=”B00CBPIRSY” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Peak Design Camera Wrist Strap[/easyazon_link] - have the quick connectors on both cameras and can switch between quickly
Minolta 135mm f2.8 lens
Fuji body cap - used when I cleaning a lens
[easyazon_link asin=”B00GRACUXM” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Apple iPad Mini[/easyazon_link] - entertainment, mobile photo sharing, social media and email access
Mini tripod with holder for my cell phone
[easyazon_link asin=”B007G5NNOW” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Lens Cleaning Pen[/easyazon_link]
Pen with iPad stylus tip
Spare SD cards
Spare charged battery
Lens filters
Dust Blower
120 Film - 2 rolls of ASA 400 one ASA 100
[easyazon_link asin=”B00BZFXXRG” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”giovaarroypho-20″]Sensu Stylus Brush[/easyazon_link] - lets me be creative on the iPad when I’m not shooting read more

Digital G.Arroyo

Lightroom Mobile

This past spring Adobe updated Lightroom. One of the features they added for Creative Cloud members was the ability to sync to a mobile app. At first I thought this would be a neat feature, and I might use it to show off images. Instead it has turned into one of the most used photography apps I have on my iPad. It allows me to step away from my computer and rate, crop and do basic image adjustments on the road. It also lets me be incredibly mobile, uploading images straight off my camera and sharing to social media quickly. read more