
Digital Events G.Arroyo Video

What is a gimbal?

A gimbal is one of those things that is easier to show that to explain.
Check out the video below to learn about one of the most important pieces in my GoPro videography kit.

[bctt tweet=”Video Blog, What is a gimbal? #GoPro” username=”gdotarroyo”]

It is the tool that let me hand off my GoPro to my wife, allowing up to capture my daughter’s black belt test.

It is nice to be able to know that even when I’m off shooting photos, I will get stable and steady video. This opens up a lot of possibilities, and let’s a small crew (essentially just me) capture an entire event. read more

Digital Film G.Arroyo

Manual Mode

For my birthday I got a new t-shirt. It shares my love of manual mode.

Now before you think this is a critique, let me say this you need to learn your modes. Yes you have heard me state this a ton, but you need to understand your camera. You need to know when to use Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, and Manual. Yes, you can take good photos using an automatic mode like Program, but to make great photos, you need to have an understanding of the other modes. Learn when to select and use the different modes. read more

Digital G.Arroyo

Vacation Photos via GoPro

This week I returned from a little vacation with the family in Orlando. Before the trip I decided to do something I never thought would happen. I took only my GoPro on the trip. It was great relief to only carry the ultra small GoPro, a spare cards and a few extra batteries.

If I was visiting a place I hadn’t been before I doubt I would have only taken just the GoPro, but after viewing the photos, that is actually a possibility. All photos were edited via Lightroom.

Below are a few other photos from the trip. You can check out more by following me on Instagram. read more

Digital G.Arroyo UAV

GoPro Obsession

When I first purchased my GoPro Hero 4 Silver I thought it would be fun to capture video and photos from my UAV. I turns out that I really like this simple little camera with a very wide field of view.

I’ve gone from my GoPro tagging along with me to turning into the only camera I take to certain events. It lets me capture photos, time lapse video and slow motion videos. All this in a simple small and relatively inexpensive form factor.

As you can see from the photo above I have decked out my GoPro with some cool accessories to help capture different images. Check out my Instagram for more. read more

Digital UAV

GoPro meet F450

This past week I introduced my GoPro Hero 4 to my DJI F450 quadcopter. In the video above you can see how it is attached on a 3 axis gimbal. This allows it to stay steady even when I’m flying around. I have since also added a transmitter and monitor which will allow me to see on the ground what my camera sees in the air.

Now I just have to wait until we get some decent weather. I can’t wait to capture some video and especially photos from an all new perspective.

The video was originally posted on Instagram, thus the square crop. read more