
Events Film

I missed shooting…

A few weeks back I went to the first ever Harvard Balloon Fest. It was tough getting up early in the morning, getting my feet soaked and did I mention getting up early. I can easily say I am not a morning person. I was also the only person on the field who didn’t have a digital camera. I dared to take my untested Hasselblad 500 and 80mm f2.8 lens. I’m glad I did.

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Film G.Arroyo

Passing down the knowledge

One of the great joys in my life is teaching. I love being able to share my passion and my knowledge. Being able to share those with my daughter is even better. I have been sharing my passion for film with my oldest daughter for a while now. It is part of her journey towards becoming a better photographer. She built her own camera, owns a couple of film cameras, knows how to use a light meter, and knows her exposure triangle. Now she can add developing her own black and white film to her list of skills. She was able to develop a roll of medium format and scan it in with a little guidance from her father. read more