
Events G.Arroyo

Getting Ready

I’m printing. I’m matting. I’m framing

I am getting ready.

For what?

To share six of my urban photography images at 4th Friday’s April 24th. They will be on sale in Nancy Merkling’s studio at the Starline Factory and Studios in Harvard. This event is great, make sure you stop by Nancy’s Studio and take a look and take a fine art photo home.

Make sure you introduce yourself when you come by. Oh and wish me a happy birthday. I’ve passed another year on earth April 22nd. read more

Events G.Arroyo

Creek Gallery

I’m excited to be taking part in Creek Gallery hosted by Willow Creek Crystal Lake. Opening night is Friday, July 11 from 6-9. For more information please check out

The piece that I will have displayed until July 27th is “Lights and Darks” printed on aluminum. If you have never seen any of my prints in person you owe it to yourself to check one out. “Lights and Darks” is a large stunning piece that deserves to be out on display. read more

Digital Film G.Arroyo

Too many “How To’s”. Not enough “Why’s”

Personally I think that the photography world is filled with too many blog posts that explain “how to”. Yes a how to is an important part of learning your camera, developing, your software and using gear, but shouldn’t there be more.

Why should I use a softbox over my strobe? Why would a reflector help my natural light photograph?

The answers you know are still really technical, what I find is missing is an explanation of why a photographer would do a certain technique. What emotion were they trying to elicit, what was the intent of capturing the photo. read more

Events Film G.Arroyo

2 Things

Rolleiflex Automat Vivian Maier Style Photofraph 1
Self portrait with my Rolleiflex Automat.

I am very inspired, the next month is going a very exciting for me especially concerning film photography. Two big things are happening.

The first one is this Friday the 4th. I am heading to see the documentary “Finding Vivian Maier”. It opens in the Chicago area on this day and I’m taking a fellow Maier fan, my 8 year old daughter. I have been patiently waiting for this to come out for a few years. If (and I don’t know why you wouldn’t) follow me on Facebook you know how much I am a fan of Ms. Maier. read more

Digital Events Film G.Arroyo


I am grateful for each and every time I get to teach. If that is a workshop, presentation or individual training, each and every time I find my passion for photography grows. I enjoy the interaction between people in attendance and myself. I enjoy that I get to learn from attendees just as they are able to learn from me. I enjoy the fact that my art and photography as a improves every time I teach.

I am excited to share that this year I am going to have even more opportunities to share my passion for photography. I have partnered with Nancy Merkling to be part of her Simply Learn workshop team. And will be teaching at the beautiful Starline Gallery and Studios in Harvard, IL. read more

Digital G.Arroyo

Bathroom Mirror

Bathroom Mirror Photograph by Giovanni Arroyo

As the first snow has fallen in the Chicago area and a few months of cold weather ahead, this is what I saw in my bathroom mirror this morning. Beautiful clouds, the setting sun reflecting off the ocean and me taking a photo on a cliff near Jobos beach in Puerto Rico. Every time I look in the mirror and I can see Puerto Rico inside me. There is nothing I do that doesn’t reflect a piece of my heritage.

Digital Film

Getting Lucky?

Lady on Chicago Bridge Street Photograph by Giovanni Arroyo

This past weekend I had a photographer friend tell me he got “lucky”. This is while I was checking out his work and commenting about how great I thought a particular piece was. It got me thinking a bit, especially about street photography and my particular style. The question is, am I lucky as a photographer?

Of course not. I am not lucky, I may be in the right place at the right time, but I don’t think luck has any part to play in my photography. I feel that one of the aspects that makes a good photographer seem lucky is the fact that they are prepared. read more


Lessons Learned

Urban Graffiti

A few weeks ago I was offered the opportunity to shoot with a wonderful vintage camera, a Hasselblad 500C. I have learned a few lessons with this camera.

Take your time.

There is no rush when using a medium format camera. The 500c doesn’t have an onboard meter, so I used a vintage light meter to check the exposure. Then you focus and then pop up a little magnifying glass to get the focus just right. This while looking down, the image is reversed so you have to really be aware of the direction the lens in pointed. This process takes time, then you do it again to make sure the photo will come out. Remember a tripod is your friend. read more


Chicago Bench

I love my home town of Chicago. It is one of the best places to just hang out and shoot street photos. This photo was captured near Millenium Park. I noticed this gentleman sitting on a bench early in the day. He has a unique style that I wanted to capture. The fact that he made this incredible facial expression when I pointed the lens in his direction just added to the photo. Remember to be observant and always look for the characters who make up our daily life.

Digital Film

My Maier Obsession

Its official I am obsessed!
Obviously I am obsessed with photography. That is a simple one, but I am coming to realize I am obsessed with a a women. I love looking at pictures of her, but really I love looking at the photos she took. Her name is Vivian Maier, and I am not a bit ashamed that I am obsessed with her. If you know the Vivian Maier story keep reading, if not go here and read this first. The story is incredible, yes, but that is only a small part of why I am writing this. Vivian Maier’s photography is incredible. This past weekend I had a chance to check out the Vivian Maier’s Chicago exhibit at the Chicago History Museum, most of the prints I had seen at one point or another, impressive, what I expected. What I wasn’t expecting was around the perimeter of the room. There lies the reason I am obsessed with Vivian. The exhibit has photos from complete rolls of film. 12 shots (a complete roll of 120 format film) taken at different locations and points in time of Chicago’s history. I am amazed at how many flawless shots she was capturing in a row. If you have ever seen the contact sheets of most street photographers you know that it typically takes a photographer a few attempts before nailing what Henry Cartier-Bresson calls the decisive moment. Besides the single moments that have made Ms. Maier famous, the mastery she proves in 12 shots has left me speechless. I wish I was able to capture or express the emotions I felt checking out what is one of the greatest photographers in Chicago’s history, but alas I can’t do so with words. I will try my best to capture those emotions with photos as I continue my journey in photography. read more