black and white



Yes, I do have a sale occasionally. This year I am having a super deal on signed prints.

Matted 11″ x 14″ which I usually sell for $30 I have marked down to only $9.99

Not only do I have these prints on sale I also have deals on a select number of metal prints. Some captured in Puerto Rico when I visited last year not long after Hurricane Maria.

Only $49.99

Don’t snooze on these deals, I have limited stock, and once they are gone I don’t plan on reprinting.

Yes you read that correctly, you will be able to get a limited edition signed print for cheap. read more

Digital G.Arroyo Video

My Morning Routine

My Morning Routine

I wanted to test my GoPro Hero 5 Session’s abilities.
Dark, indoor, overexposed, outdoor, motion.
I pretty much put the little camera through its paces. I think I tried everything, you can see where it held up well, and where the footage fell apart.
Overall I fell it was a decent test and a look at what we do every morning.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.

Events Film

I missed shooting…

A few weeks back I went to the first ever Harvard Balloon Fest. It was tough getting up early in the morning, getting my feet soaked and did I mention getting up early. I can easily say I am not a morning person. I was also the only person on the field who didn’t have a digital camera. I dared to take my untested Hasselblad 500 and 80mm f2.8 lens. I’m glad I did.

[bctt tweet=”I missed shooting… medium format film!” username=”gdotarroyo”] read more

Digital G.Arroyo


I know, I know, I always tell students to shoot in a raw file format. I explain the benefits of having more information in the file, more latitude in post processing and so on, but the JPEG files that come straight out of a Fuji X camera are just beautiful. I love how the monochrome + yellow filter file looks. This photo was taken with a Fuji X-E1 at 6400 iso, the lens was a Minolta 50mm f1.7 manual focus lens at f1.7. I brought it straight over to my iPad and applied a small vignette using Lightroom Mobile. Thanks to Fuji for making your JPEG files so awesome. read more

Digital Film G.Arroyo

Some Essentials

Take a look at a couple of the essentials for my photography workflow.

Apple Macbook Pro 13″
Rolleiflex Automat Medium Format Camera.

When I shoot medium format film, I keep a hybrid workflow. Thngs stay analog up still the negative is developed. From there, I scan the negatives in and use lightroom and my Canon 9500 Mark II printer to print the photos.

Feet in both worlds digital and analog.

Events G.Arroyo

Getting Ready

I’m printing. I’m matting. I’m framing

I am getting ready.

For what?

To share six of my urban photography images at 4th Friday’s April 24th. They will be on sale in Nancy Merkling’s studio at the Starline Factory and Studios in Harvard. This event is great, make sure you stop by Nancy’s Studio and take a look and take a fine art photo home.

Make sure you introduce yourself when you come by. Oh and wish me a happy birthday. I’ve passed another year on earth April 22nd. read more

Digital G.Arroyo

Each Week I Struggle

I am not a writer. I will be the first person to tell you that writing, is one of my weak points. Why do you think I try to tell stories with my photos? Each week I struggle with coming up with a topic for this blog. Once I have a basic I then provide to struggle writing the post. Yet each week I try, I fight with my nemesis and write something.

Why do a bother? Why do I constantly fight to write a blog post each week?

Two reasons:
One, I want to improve as a writer. I can’t improve if I don’t practice, if I don’t make attempts to improve. This is true with every skill. You cannot master a talent or skill without practice.
Two, has to do with marketing. Regular blog posts increase you search engine ranking. By making regular posts my website actually shows up higher in a Google search than if I didn’t have a blog or didn’t post to it. read more

Digital G.Arroyo

Statue of Liberty

Whenever you visit a place as iconic as the Statue of Liberty it is difficult to come away with pictures that you have never seen before. There are tons of tourists and now everyone has a camera. I always try to do something a little different when I see lots of cameras come out. As we came around the front side of the Statute everyone on the top level of the ferry was snapping shots and looking at Lady Liberty. What did I do? Being more interested in people, of course, I turned around and took a photo of everyone looking upon the Statute for the first time. read more