

Selling some film cameras :(

I hate to do this, I really do, but the time has come to sell off some of my 35mm film cameras.

I have over 10 for sale right now, the majority are Canon. All have lenses if not multiple lenses included.

Here is the worst part, I’m selling some of my prized rangefinders, including 2 Lecia, one Nikon, and a Canon.

Yes, you read that right a Nikon! My collection has just gotten a little too large again and I need to thin it down a bit.

If you are interested in owning a piece of history. Check out the auctions! read more

Film G.Arroyo

My new film cameras

Over this summer I have picked up a couple of film cameras. Not my day to day cameras, but some very usable film cameras.

One is a medium format camera. A Hasselblad 500. I had the electronic version the 500El, but always wanted the fully manual version. I now have an awesome 500c that I got from KEH.

I also purchased a 80mm f2.8 lens to complete my kit. Now I have a metering prism finder, two backs, 150mm and 80mm lenses. Very pleased with my ‘Blad setup.

The other camera is a Canon F1. This is another camera that has been on my list of must haves for a while. I own the other A-body Canon, but a nice F1 has always eluded me. I was lucky enough to get one last week. I don’t shoot much 35mm any longer but it will make a great camera for my daughters. read more

Film G.Arroyo

Film Cameras for Sale

I’m selling off a few of my film cameras.

There will probably be upward of 20 cameras listed, 35mm, Medium Format and Polaroid.

Check out my Ebay store for more info: https://www.ebay.com/usr/garroyophotography

I plan to add new cameras as I can. I have used a lot of these cameras, and while they are not perfect, they would be great to run some film through.

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Catching Up

I’m trying my best to catch up.

Sorry there hasn’t been action on the blog for the past few weeks. I will try to keep it updated as best I can.

Right now I’m trying to find the time to develop and scan some rolls of film that I shot during the summer. This is what I get for shooting mostly film the past few months. It takes a little while before I get to see the results. Such as the photo above taken with a Minolta Hi-Matic 9 35mm rangefinder.

I hope to have the film developed and scanned in by the weekend. Make sure you follow me on your favorite social media sites to see the results. I’m probably on there. https://giovanniarroyo.com/connect/ read more


Why I still shoot film

You have probably read all about why film is better than digital or digital is better. What ever side of the fence you fall on this post is not about that. This is why I still shoot film.

Film makes me a better photographer. It has limitations; number of shots on a role, set ASA number, frames per second, and more. I add limitations to that as well; I use set lens focal lengths and manual focus cameras. How do these limitations make me better? Well I’m glad you asked. Having a limited number of shots forces me to be a more deliberate shooter. I need to make sure that the subject is one I truly feel strongly about. This goes hand in hand with a set number of frames per second. I cannot rely on my camera’s speed to capture a moment, I need to anticipate what will be happening. Having a set ASA number pushes me to have a steady hand, at times I need to be able to use a slower shutter speed than I am typically comfortable with. In order to have the shot be sharp I need to be able to hold the camera still. Limiting the focal length forces me to look at the world differently. I know I cannot zoom in with my feet staying still, I have to move to compose my shots. The last thing on the list is manual focus. Having to focus the lens by hand allows me to recognize focus points faster, sometimes an autofocus lens just cannot pick focus correctly and I know this will not slow me down. read more