Events Film

I missed shooting…

A few weeks back I went to the first ever Harvard Balloon Fest. It was tough getting up early in the morning, getting my feet soaked and did I mention getting up early. I can easily say I am not a morning person. I was also the only person on the field who didn’t have a digital camera. I dared to take my untested Hasselblad 500 and 80mm f2.8 lens. I’m glad I did.

[bctt tweet=”I missed shooting… medium format film! https://giovanniarroyo.com/i-missed-shooting/” username=”gdotarroyo”] read more

Film G.Arroyo

Happy Surprises

One of the great things about film, sometimes there is a happy surprise. While I was grabbing some film to test out the Hasselblad I found roll that had yet be developed. I had labeled it as “Kiev 88 Fixed Back”. I decided to develop and scan it in. While there were other photos that I have shared on Instagram I wanted to share this particular photo on my blog. It is what I would call a “Happy Surprise”.

This photo has a lot of blemishes and problems, but I still like it. I like the light leaks, the fact that it wasn’t totally flat when scanned, and I like the burned edges. Unlike digital I just don’t know what I have until it is developed. Now that the Kiev is gone I even like that camera. read more

Film G.Arroyo

Short List Getting Shorter

I have a really short list of film cameras that I must have. It is sort of a camera bucket list. These cameras will stay in my collection never to be sold. There are other cameras, see my Pinterest board of cool vintage cameras, but I have only 3 that are on the short list. Two are medium format, one 35mm. These are cameras that I have always wanted, but now that film cameras have come down in price, I can justify buying.

One is a Rolleiflex TLR, which I have had for over a year now.


The next is a Leica M bodied rangefinder. read more

Digital Film G.Arroyo

Some Essentials

Take a look at a couple of the essentials for my photography workflow.

Apple Macbook Pro 13″
Rolleiflex Automat Medium Format Camera.

When I shoot medium format film, I keep a hybrid workflow. Thngs stay analog up still the negative is developed. From there, I scan the negatives in and use lightroom and my Canon 9500 Mark II printer to print the photos.

Feet in both worlds digital and analog.

Film G.Arroyo

Film Cameras for Sale

I’m selling off a few of my film cameras.

There will probably be upward of 20 cameras listed, 35mm, Medium Format and Polaroid.

Check out my Ebay store for more info: https://www.ebay.com/usr/garroyophotography

I plan to add new cameras as I can. I have used a lot of these cameras, and while they are not perfect, they would be great to run some film through.

[auction-affiliate tool=”banner”]

Film G.Arroyo

When I fail

IMAG0161When I fail, I really fail.

Last week I posted about a shot I set up with my Rollieflex and using film (read here). Well when I developed the roll containing the shots I took, the entire roll came out clear. What I think happened is that my chemicals finally wore out and I fixed the roll before it developed. So I have ordered new developing chemicals and will be also replacing my fixer.

I’ve taught myself a few important lessons.
Don’t run your developing chemicals for too long.
Don’t wait to develop your film until a deadline gets close.
Always have a backup plan (I did and re-shot the photo digitally)
Don’t post about your film photos until after you develop the roll! read more

Film G.Arroyo

Film Scanning

Chicago Bridge

I’m excited to shoot a lot more medium format film this year. I was a little disappointed with some of the results I had last year, but I had a sense it was the scanner I was using. That was exactly right, my scanner was not sharp and was lacking in dynamic range. I now have a capable scanner and can’t wait to really put it to use this year.

The three pictures were taken with my Yashica 635. Developed and scanned by myself. Let me know if you are interested in purchasing any of them, I have them framed prints ready to hang. read more

Digital Film G.Arroyo

Another Twin Lens Reflex


Added another twin lens reflex camera (TLR) to the collection. A great looking and perfectly functioning Yashica Mat 124 G. Now Leyla, Natalia and I can all shoot twin lens cameras together.

I also picked up a 1965 Nikon F Photomic, I’m passing this one along preferring my SLR’s of the Canon variety. This would make a great gift for a photographer in your life. Contact me if you would like to find out more about this camera. Connect | Contact

Events Film G.Arroyo

Rolleiflex Roll

Rolleiflex Automat Vivian Maier Style Photofraph 1

Developed the first roll of film I have taken with my Rolleiflex Automat. Of course I had to do a couple of Vivian Maier style self portraits. Both are from a day I spent walking around in Indianapolis. Indy is not a very busy place early on a Saturday morning in the fall. It was a good test of the new camera. Now I just need a new scanner so that I can show the dynamic range that is actually in this photo. Yes I have complained about my scanner before.

Speaking of Vivian Maier, “Finding Vivian Maier” documentary has an official release day. March 28th, 2014. You can find out more on the Finding Vivian Maier website. I’m excited to learn more about this amazing photographer. I have heard great things about the documentary and I will be at a showing the night it comes out. read more