New look.. plus more. Help me create more.

This week I debuted a new look to my website. I hope you like how it looks and can find the information you were looking for faster.

Now time for the plus more. I am looking to do more with my photography,

I want to work with more businesses both small and large on their photo projects.

I want to shoot more headshots, portraits and still life subjects.

I want to create more video’s.

I would love to work with on your portrait.

I want to shoot more film.

I want to teach more workshops.

I want to work in Lake in the Hills and McHenry County more.

Simply put I want to do more of what I am doing now. Yes this sounds greedy, but that is my goal for the coming year.

Help me reach my goal, subscribe to my emails. Get a hold of me at [email protected]. Find out how I can help you with your project.