On September 27th and 28th of this month I will be participating in the 2014 Edgewater Fall Art Fair. I will have a lot of my art work for sale including limited edition framed prints, gallery prints, prints on metal, and images from as recently as this past summer. I make sure that there is something for every price range.
I was also privileged enough to take part in a short interview about my art. This is the other reason for this weeks blog post. Oddly enough I always have a difficult time writing about my art, but rarely have a problem talking about it. Make sure to read to the end, I share the answer to “If you could have a conversation with an artist from the past, who would it be, why and what is one thing you would ask?”.
Read the interview here: https://edgewaterartists.com/2014/08/18/giovanni-arroyo-2014-edgewater-fall-art-fair-artist-spotlight/