Besides the look of film, I also like how a classic camera feels. Not a lot of plastic, manual controls and things just fall in place. Well as of the past few months I feel like I am cheating on my film cameras. I become obsessed with my little Fuji X-E1. It has become my go to camera, the one I pick up and take with me everywhere. It has a metal case top and bottom. I have adapted vintage lenses to it. I shoot it entirely manually, focus, aperture, iso, shutter speed.

The jpeg photos that come out of this camera are awesome and Fuji has done a great job of simulating their film emulsions. I can plug it into my iPad and upload photos on the fly. I really do not have many complaints with it. Maybe I could use a better viewfinder, but for my first mirrorless camera it has blown me away.

I am happy to lighten my camera load and not carry my DSLR around as much. I’m sure after the newness wears off I will start using my film cameras again (I did take a shot with my Rolleiflex in Puerto Rico). For now this is my travel, and street photography dream camera.